Thursday, August 31, 2006

Yahoo Japan Auction & Ebay? Secret Revealed

Yahoo Japan Auction
What differentiates Yahoo Japan Auction[YJA] and Ebay?
Why should you bid at YJA and go through hassles understanding Japanese?

The Reasons:
  1. The fraudulent cases in YJA is less often as in Ebay.
    I believe you might have heard or/and experienced fradulent EBAY cases before.
    As for me, for the past one year of active trading in YJA, i have not met any case in YJA.
    FYI, i have few thousand transactions in YJA per year.

  2. As mentioned in my 1st post, the quality and exclusive product you can find in YJA.

  3. This is a TRADE SECRET, and you are to get it here only.
    Japanese is rather confined to their own country trading without understanding how their products pricing
    can fetch outside their region.
    Many traders purchased items from YJA and reap a handsome 20% - 50% profit off at Ebay or
    their local communities.
Please remember to bookmark this site and there will be more "insider" tips
Yahoo Japan Auction


Anonymous Japan Auction said...

Yes, the revelation of these secrets are very helpful for auction buyers. Truly, investors should know which is the smartest way to invest money.

7:32 PM  

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